Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar- Robert Brault

Friendship; A subject I know way too much about, and not necessarily all for good reason. I've suffered the loss of a good friendship before, and it's honestly like losing a limb. 

But about this quote: what I would give for a friendship like the latter part of the quote. I have a myriad friends who would make time for coffee, lunch, a workout, but not many who drop other plans for some quality friend time. I can't say that I ask of it often, so my assessment may be premature. But there are certainly days where I long for friendships where I can just hang out and do nothing, but enjoy the person's company all the same. People my age right now are on the go twenty-four/seven. Between school, work, bills, babies, marriages, and family, friends can tend to be low on the totem pole. And even when we call friends up, there's usually a plan for the day. There's not a ton of time to just... be. Be with each other. To sit in one another's company and thrive on the love, kindness, and happiness that surrounds our union. As I type this, I just let out a deep sigh. I'm sad that there isn't the same kind of time devoted to these moments in life- at least right now- where we can feel so rich with love. Maybe it's why I shop so much, haha. 

But to make my situation a tad more complicated, my husband and I are about to move to Florida. It's about 400 miles south of "home" and I am frightened that I'll be starting over and won't find friends right away, especially ones I can turn to in times of need. I've realized that I don't need friendships to survive in life, but they certainly give me something for which to live. I hope that I never give up on friendship, embrace the people who are currently in my life, and those soon to come. I hope that my life is so rich with people that I am always enlightened and enveloped in love.

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